Sunday, July 28, 2024

Some Curious (and Hopefully Thoughtful) Questions About Art

Friday gave social media a strong and much needed reprieve from the 2024 American election cycle. The Olympics started, and there has been some controversy following the Opening Ceremony. Perhaps the biggest gaffe was the introduction of the athletes from South Korea.

The biggest response and frustration, however, was produced by the reenactment of some classical art. As part of the Opening Ceremony, the organizers were trying to meld together themes from the ancient Olympics and from modern day Paris. If you asked me in the moment, I would have said there was a portrayal of Leonardo da Vinci’s iconic masterpiece The Last Supper. 

One of my seminary professors, Dr. Blowers, posted a thoughtful question: Why use The Last Supper when it has nothing to do with the Olympics and is not connected to French culture? The Last Supper currently resides in Italy. I don’t think France wants to brag on Italy. 

Blowers was pointing out that a mockery of The Last Supper makes absolutely no sense. When every other part of the Opening Ceremony pointed to the Olympics or to French culture, why break with a parody of The Last Supper?

I had some other questions to add to Dr. Blowers.

Weren’t there more than 13 people in the Opening Ceremony portrayal? The Last Supper only has Jesus and the 12 disciples. Similarly, why are the people in the Opening Ceremony on both sides of the table when everyone in The Last Supper is only on one side? 

Why does the central figure have a halo when the central figure in da Vinci’s painting does not have a halo? What about the tattoos on the arms of the central figure in the Opening Ceremony? What in the world does the audio mixer/DJ equipment on the table signify?

My college friend, Justin Jackson, shared the details of another classical painting with me. Take a look at Jan Harmensz van Bijlert’s 1635 painting titled The Feast of the Gods.

It’s possible, and I would say plausible, that this is the painting being reenacted. Jan van Bijlert’s painting currently resides in Dijon, France as you might expect. 

What does it have to do with the Olympics? The painting is set presumably on Mount Olympus and depicts the mythological Greek gods and goddesses at the wedding feast of Peleus and Thetis. Here’s a snippet from Encyclopedia Britannica's website about this wedding feast: “Peleus later won the sea nymph Thetis by capture, and all the gods except Eris (the goddess of discord) were invited to the wedding. The golden apple that Eris spitefully sent to the wedding guests led to the “judgment of Paris” and thence to the Trojan War.”

This painting melds the Olympics with Paris. I believe that was the intent of the Opening Ceremony organizers. 

Look again at the painting. You’ll see that this Jan van Bijlert painting also makes sense with the other questions I’ve asked. The painting has more than 13 people and they are on both sides of the table. The central figure, Apollo, has the halo and the tattoos. Zoom in on Apollo and you’ll see a lyre in his hands - thus the audio mixer in front of the central figure of the Opening Ceremony. When you look at these visual clues, you start to feel like Nicholas Cage in a wild scavenger hunt where you uncovered the connections. 

But doesn’t the reenactment also look like The Last Supper? Without a doubt it looks like The Last Supper. 

Sometimes art imitates art. Do you remember the Ed Sheerhan song that sounded so similar to a Marvin Gaye song?

From what I could read on the internet about classical art, Jan van Bijlert was influenced by Caravaggio who was influenced by da Vinci. And both paintings had people around a table. That is to say, I thought it was The Last Supper, too, until I was able to dig much deeper into the details. 

I would wager that 999 out of 1,000 people watching the Opening Ceremony would take a look and say it was The Last Supper. I would also wager that most haven’t heard of Jan van Bijlert. I sure hadn’t. 

Likewise I suspect Jan van Bijlert’s painting wouldn’t even make a list of top 100 classical art pieces being studied and memorized by students in private classical schools in 2024. Ironically I don’t think The Last Supper makes that list either but for an opposite reason. The Last Supper is so iconic it’s almost ubiquitous, too easy to know. 

Should Christians be outraged by the similarities of the reenactment to The Last Supper? It’s upsetting at first. It can lead to anger. But once you realize the reenactment was clearly pointing at a different painting the anger should go away. We should offer grace, and chalk it up to a misunderstanding. 

Am I bothered by the promiscuous and hedonistic values communicated by the Opening Ceremony? Yes, of course. The program didn’t resonate well with me. I felt the same way I feel when I’ve recently watched the Oscars, the Grammys, and so many other programs highlighting current culture. 

Should I be shocked and outraged when my Christian values don’t align with current culture? No, I believe Jesus told us to expect it. 

Does a scene of Greek gods and goddesses, including Dionysus, point to idolatry? Yes, I think any monotheistic culture would say there is an idolatry issue taking place. 

Of course, my local culture in Savannah, GA is also overflowing with idolatry issues. I am guilty of this idolatry, too. I worship sometimes at a little synagogue at the corner of North Avenue and Techwood Drive in Atlanta. It’s called Bobby Dodd Stadium, where my beloved Yellow Jackets play football. A lot of my friends in Savannah prefer to worship elsewhere. They visit a much bigger temple in Athens called Sanford Stadium. Interestingly enough, the saints from Georgia Tech and UGA seem to unite when visiting the professional cathedrals, Truist Park and Mercedes Benz Stadium. It costs more than a tenth of my weekly pay for entrance and small refreshments at these architectural titans. 

I’m joking now. I hope you are able to laugh a little at that. At the same time I hope it is a good reminder that we need weekly and daily help to reorient our hearts towards Jesus, the one and only Savior.  It’s hard to find things in the midst of current culture that point us to Jesus.  In light of that, let us commit to showing the love of Jesus to everyone we can in every place we can. Let us be the ambassadors for Christ, the reminders that point to Jesus alone. 

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Are you on "the" phone or on "your" phone?

When I was a kid I remember my mother being on the phone a lot. No, it wasn't an iPhone. It was a green wall phone with a curly cord that could, if you twisted it in just the right direction, stretch all the way from the kitchen to the living room. 

The phone rang multiple times a day. My mom's friends, Janice and Mrs. Isbell, called every day. Aunt Diane and Aunt Shirley called almost every day. There were also frequent conversations with many more friends and neighbors. 

My great Uncle Jerry called a good bit, too. If either of my sisters or I answered one of Uncle Jerry's calls, he could easily trick us into believing he was a radio station and we were the lucky prize winners. "If someone in your house is named Debbie (my mother's name, of course) then you are the lucky winner of fill-in-the-blank."

"Mom!!!! Dad!!!! WE'VE WON SOMETHING BIG!"

"Must be Uncle Jerry calling again," my parents would reply. 

If you didn't grow up in the 1980's then you're wondering why we didn't recognize Uncle Jerry's number on the caller ID. There was no caller ID. 

Being on the phone in the 80's meant something entirely different than it does in 2021. For one, you'll notice I keep saying "the" phone. In 2021 you no longer use a definite article. Instead you use a singular personal pronoun in front of the word phone: your phone, his phone, her phone, my phone. As a kid, phones weren't isolated to one person. It was the family phone. (My mom likes this Rock Hudson/Doris Day movie called Pillow Talk featuring party lines...that's before my time.)

In my childhood, the family phone was a medium through which information entered our home. Sure we had television, radio, and newspapers. Television, radio, and newspapers connected our family to public information and public events.  The family phone connected us to personal information. 

If someone was moving, if someone was changing jobs, if someone just had a baby, if someone had a crazy experience, if someone was coming to town, or if someone needed prayer, all these personal tidbits came through the green telephone with the long curly cord hanging on the kitchen wall. 

We also learned about all these personal happenings in person through face to face conversations. Maybe it was a conversation at church, or at Bill Arp Elementary's annual Fall Festival. Maybe we learned about things at the high school football game on Friday night. Or maybe we just bumped into a friend at Kroger or Winn-Dixie, or at the Douglas County Public Library, or at the Hunter Park playground. 

Things have changed. In 2021, your phone brings you both public and personal news. Social media has become the medium. You don't ever actually need to go anywhere or talk with anyone face to face. It actually seems like you hope not to bump into anyone at the store (that is, if you still go to brick and mortar stores).  Many folks wouldn't see you out in public anyway because they're on their phones, face down, engrossed by a glowing rectangular screen learning about the lives of close, personal friends.

Using your modern smartphone you still know what people ate last night at dinner and if the service was good or bad, you still know who's in trouble and needs prayer, you still know who just got a new job and is moving, and you still know where they went on vacation. You can even look through their family vacation photo album. In the 80's you only had access to someone's family photo album if you had a meal in their home. 

Social media is a very powerful tool. It's fast. It's efficient. You can connect with so many so quickly. There are definitely many, many benefits. Text messaging is fun, too. 

Despite the benefits, the experience of connecting with others through my phone today isn't nearly as fulfilling as connecting with others was in the 80's. I know more effort and more time is required to make a phone call to each friend and family member. I know it is a slow process to share news with others in person, face to face, at church or in the community. Regardless of the required effort, however, connecting with people face to face and through personal telephone calls is always richer, warmer, fuller, and just plain better. 

I'm bored with social media. I don't really want to quit using it. I just prefer laughing in a group with other people rather than laughing by myself. I prefer sharing great news with others face to face and seeing smiles, bright eyes, and looks of joy. Encouraging text messages and Facebook posts are comforting in difficult times, but I much prefer praying in a circle with others. 

Let's commit to pushing back against isolation. Social media does connect us with others, but the ironic byproduct is loneliness and loss of community. In the interest of deep, long-lasting relationships, let's find ways to do things together in person. Next time don't text, dial their number. Next time resist the urge to post a photo online. Instead go visit a friend and share your story face to face. Keep your phone in your pocket next time you're at the playground with your child. Make eye contact. Offer a kind word of spoken encouragement. Use your smartphone for helpful things like finding directions, but don't let your phone direct your life. 

Saturday, January 28, 2017

What should I think about walls, immigration, and POTUS?

Psalm 1
1 Blessed is the one
    who does not walk in step with the wicked
or stand in the way that sinners take
    or sit in the company of mockers,
2 but whose delight is in the law of the Lord,
    and who meditates on his law day and night.
3 That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,
    which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither—
    whatever they do prospers.
4 Not so the wicked!
    They are like chaff
    that the wind blows away.
5 Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment,
    nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous.
6 For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous,
    but the way of the wicked leads to destruction.

This morning I got to watch the rest of Aladdin with my children.  My wife is on a girl’s weekend trip with some other amazing ladies in our neighborhood, so the kids and I are here at home having fun without her (but we do miss her like crazy).  We started watching a movie last night, and we decided to finish it this morning.

Now let’s read that again and list all the amazing things in that last paragraph: 
  1. I am married to an amazing Christian lady
  2. we have two awesome kids
  3. we have amazing friends
  4. we have a house in an awesome neighborhood
  5. we have the ability to rest, go on fun trips, and enjoy luxuries such as movies

That list is not complete either.  My real life feels like a fairy-tale.  It can be as happy as Jasmine and Aladdin when they fly together on the carpet for the first time singing about a whole new world.  

But....this is inside our house.  What about when you step out the front door?  What’s going on, out there, in the whole rest of the world?

If you’re anything like me, you’re uneasy about the climate outside.  I can’t remember a time when the world felt more polarized than it feels today.  A lot of people I love think the new president of the United States is the BEST thing ever.  A lot of people I love think the new president of the United States is the WORST thing ever.  

So what am I to think?  

Fox News loves him.  CNN hates him.  Franklin Graham endorses him.  The New York Times and the Washington Post quickly publish articles to raise concern about him.  

I appreciate the news because the news informs me of current events.  But I must not allow those media outlets to inform my way of thinking.  I can’t let others decide for me what I think; not even Franklin Graham.  

I desire to be like a tree planted by streams of water whose leaf does not wither.  I don’t want to be blown around like the chaff.  The secret to solid thinking and stability is written here in Psalm 1.  

As a follower of Christ I must heed the words of Psalm 1 before spouting and spewing an opinion.  As a follower of Christ I must slow down and take some time to be alone with God, to meditate on the word of God.  I must create some space for God to work on my soul.   

I will only be helpful to my community and to my world when I listen to the word of God, when I delight in the word of God, and when I act according to the word of God. 

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Stealing a Blog Post (or reflecting the light)

(The whole point of this blog post is for you to read a blog post from a friend of mine.  I am going to steal some ideas from their post, or as I like to think of it, reflect the light from their post much like the moon does to the sun.) 

A week or so ago some lights in multiple rooms of our house begin to flicker.  It happened for a few minutes.  No big deal.  We ignored it.  Turns out this flickering was a foreshadowing, or a symptom of a bigger problem.  The lights flickering was an indicator.  

We realized the real problem a few days later when the electrician was there to help us.  We came home from church that day (Sunday) and our house had what is called "partial power."  The electricity in our house seemed to be picking and choosing where it would work.  No lights in the kitchen, but the fridge was still working.  All over the house it was like this.  Maybe the outlets would work, but the lights would not.  Random, messy, frustrating.  My children were scolding the house security system as it beeped repeatedly to warn us that it was on reserve battery power.  

Every so often there would be a surge, and everything would light up, 100% electricity.  Five minutes later the lights would dim slowly, then partial power once again.  Carin was baking cookies in our electricity powered oven, but the partial power was draining the heat capacity of the oven.  The cookies weren't cooking in the middle (turns out this doughy middle can be tasty).  

When I saw a huge white spark behind our breaker box, I called the power company.  Help!

Ten minutes later the technician was there.  He checked our meter….full power coming into the house. He's not allowed to work on anything inside, just check the outside.  He let us know it was definitely our problem and not a problem of the power company.  The electricity they were providing was perfect.

I called my father-in-law, who can fix anything and does so for a living.  He wanted me to pull out the breaker box, and tighten down all the wires to each individual circuit.  Ha…sounds easy the way he described it.

I got a screwdriver, and pulled out the first screw of the breaker box.  Wait a minute….this is a stupid way to die.  I have no idea what I am doing, this is the router of electricity for our house, and I have seen it sparking.  

Am I willing to die in process of fixing the problem?

I called an electrician.  He got the box off the wall, the breakers pulled out, and the problem identified.  There was a bad connection.  For as long as my house has been standing, the lug nut things that connect the outside voltage to the metal plate in the breaker box were barely connected. The bad connection was finally separating all the way, touching then not touching, and back and forth.  Thus the cycle of partial power, power surge, power dimming, and partial power again.  

In six minutes and 37 seconds the electrician securely attached everything.  Full power to the house.  Everything working.

I am still alive.  I have 125 less dollars.  I have two kids who can now watch a Sunday evening Netflix cartoon after their bath time and before their bed time.  

My life is like my house: partial power.  The source of light into my spirit is perfect.  God never fails.  

Somehow though, in spite of God's perfect power, grace, and love flowing into my body, what comes out is distorted and diminished.  Light that flickers and then dims, light that flashes and then burns out.  A surge every so often, but most of the time it's random, messy, and frustrating.  There is some kind of problem on the inside.  Help!

Psalm 25:11 For the sake of your name, O Lord, forgive my iniquity, though it is great.

My friends, Katie and Michael, are working in Kenya.  The Lord has called them there.  His power and love are flowing into them, and they are giving it their best shot to follow the Lord.  I love to read about their adventure.

I want you to read part of their story. They struggle, too, with power surges.  As you read their post, you'll notice where I plagiarized their ideas for this post, and you'll feel inspired to shine His light as well as you can, and to explore God's calling for your life.

Click here to read their blog entry called Power Surges.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Why God is Greater Than A&E: My thoughts on the Duck DieNasty

Have you read the entire article in GQ about Phil Robertson?  Before today I had never read any article in GQ, nor did I know their articles were available online.  But I went to their website.  Ding ding!  That’s more money for GQ, I suppose.  I also suppose the leaders of GQ are excited to be behind the Die Nasty death that may be upon Duck Dynasty.  

Let’s all remember that dollar signs are the goal here.  Phil Robertson wants to make money selling hunting accessories.  A&E wants to make money selling Phil Robertson.  GQ wants to make money writing articles.  This blog entry is evidence that all the above are making more money.  More people today know about GQ, A&E, and Duck Dynasty than yesterday.  

In the midst of all this media mess and money making, some people have gotten their feelings hurt.  Several groups of people were hurt by what Phil Robertson thinks of them.  Some other groups of people were hurt that anyone would be hurt by what Phil Robertson said.  Others are just upset because there is nothing else to read about on FaceBook and Twitter.

First things first, indulge GQ and hop on over to read their article.  Fair warning: the language and topics are rated “MA” to say the least.  (Click here for the article) Regardless, you can’t join the conversation unless you read the article in its entirety.  The article does say some nice things about the man who started the duck dynasty, but ultimately, right from the beginning, the article is written with sarcasm intended to make fun of the unlikely television star and his family.

No matter how you get your feelings hurt in this, it is clear to see that Phil Robertson is not represented well by what he said.  Mr. Robertson said some vulgar things, some hurtful things, some graphic things, and it is crude.  The judgments he offered on certain people groups are overly simplified, and he does not offer grace for the complexities in people’s lives.  

In response to Mr. Robertson’s statements, A&E suspended him.  A&E cannot have Phil Robertson working for them when the viewpoints he expressed alienate so many.  Even with an apology, A&E might not ever let him represent the company again.  Mr. Robertson is simply not fit to represent A&E and their interests.  

And this is why God is greater than A&E.  God is just fine being represented by Phil Robertson.  

Does God know about what Robertson said and how Robertson feels?  Yes.  Does God want Robertson to work on showing grace to others?  Yes.  Does God want Robertson to continue speaking on behalf of the gospel message even though Robertson isn’t perfect?  Yes.  

I can relate to Phil Robertson.  I know that there is messy stuff in my life that needs work.  I am a sinner.  I think of the apostle Paul who wrote, “Christ came into the world to save sinners - of whom I am the worst” (1 Timothy 1:15).  I also know that despite my lack of perfection, God made me His ambassador (2 Corinthians 5:20).

Companies and television stations can’t withstand the burden of sin.  None of us are perfect enough to represent them.  

God is greater.  God doesn’t withstand the burden of sin, He confronts it and conquers it.  God then uses us as His Kingdom representatives to share the great news of the gospel with other sinners.  

In my head the following two ideas are swirling around.  1. We should not be shocked by the actions of A&E.  It’s their company, and they can choose whoever they want as their representative.  They no longer want to make money selling Phil Robertson, and that is their choice.  

2. Christians should not act like Robertson has done nothing wrong.  If we pretend that he has done nothing wrong, we show a lack of ability to think critically.  To say his worldview is perfect is to say, “I am ignorant.”  If we say Robertson is innocent, we are playing into the hands of a non Christian world.  The world wants to hold up Phil Robertson’s sins against his love for the Lord, and laugh at how far short Phil falls from perfection.  The world says, “surely you Christians can’t believe this guy is spreading the gospel when his vision of the world isn’t perfect.”

Instead of claiming Phil did nothing wrong, what if we acknowledged Phil’s shortcomings and showed the character of God through it?  We ought to be shouting at the top of our lungs the good news that God doesn’t require perfection to be a part of His hope.  We can simultaneously be aware of Phil Robertson’s mistakes, and be thankful for God’s kingdom work though Phil.